We thank these incredible organizations within and outside of San Diego County for their support.
During our second year, we were fortunate to receive the largest pool of grant funding for the entire southern California area from the State Farm Youth Advisory Board. This substantial backing helped create the foundation for our organization and purchased the equipment we needed to expand. We also use them for our liability insurance and recommend them to everyone. We will always be grateful to State Farm for their support.
We are privileged to include the help line contact information for Love Is Respect at the end of all of our public service announcements. They are the premier national help source for young people afflicted by dating and domestic violence. Beyond being a confident source for us to send those in need to, they also provide us with great material to provide to our students and the schools within which we are working.
Animate A Way is very proud to share our city with the flagship and founding Family Justice Center. The San Diego Family Justice Center pooled the many varying resources that an abused person needs into one place, creating a safe harbor that can accomodate a victim immediately upon their arrival in every way possible. They offer restraining orders, clothing for court, computers, therapy and so much more.
The Pacific Arts Movement was our sponsor and mentor for our first two years. Before we were our own non-profit organization, ‘Pac-Arts’ took us under their wing and provided the connections and legitimacy that we needed. They do much for the community beyond just the Asian film festival, including several programs that educate youth with film.